Il Mar Rosso ti offre l'opportunita' di una serie di tipi di immersione: dalla spiaggia, con il gommone o dalla barca. Esperienze diverse, a seconda di quello che piu' preferisci, e per divertirsi sempre di piu'....
Durante i corsi visitiamo diverti siti di immersione che ci offrono una grande varietà di pesci e coralli, che renderanno la tua esperienza indimenticabile
Il nostro team internazionale ti prendera' per mano per scoprire le meraviglie del Mar Rosso
Wonderful dive center, together with his wife made twenty dives on the wonderful sites of Mars Alam. I would like to note the high level of professionalism and a positive approach to diving in the guides of the center:Lori and Rami. Special thanks to Muhammad who solved all the problems and Ahmed. I definitely recommend this dive center. Thank you, I hope that I came as a guest, and left as a friend, good luck.Vladislav
Great compliment to the whole team of the diving station. They are very helpful, well organized and really friendly at all! I had nice dives and felt very well and professionally supported. I am sure to come back once again. Thank you for those unforgetable moments with you!
Vielen herzlichen Dank an das „Monkey-Dive-Team“, nach einer herben Entäuschung im letzten Jahr in Hurghada in einer „Tauchschule“ wurde ich dieses Jahr im Monkey Dive College sehr gut eingewiesen und es wurde sich die Zeit genommen die man benötigt um diese Erfahrungen sicher und schön zu genießen. Besonderen Dank an Lucia und Marcel als deutsche Guide‘s und Übersetzer vor Ort und an den Rest des Teams und Lorella, welche mir unbeschreibliche Momente unter Wasser ermöglicht haben. Vielen Dank für alles. Liebe Grüße von Mario
After 4 days with the Monkey Divers team, we came back to France with not only our PADI OPEN WATER Degree, but also a lot lot of wonderfull memories in the depths of the Red Sea ! Thanks to Lorella and her friendly team, we learned how to dive safely, discovered new people and lived he best of our trip ! Many greetings to Lorella who helped us not only on our dives, but also took care of the organisation with an abslolut efficiency and helped us in all our adventures in Marsa Alam. For us it was a wonderful experience in many regards. I highly recommend this dive center. How to describ them the best ? Professionnal, kind and so fun ! The best team to discover or just enjoy diving in the Red Sea !
Hallo liebes Monkey Dive Team, Ich möchte mich hiermit herzlich bedanken für die gute und präzise Einweisung in dax Thema Tauchen. Es waren für mich unvergessliche Momente. Besonderen Dank an Marcel und Lucia die mir ständig als Übersetzer zur Seite standen und als erfahrene Taucher jede Menge Ratschläge gaben um die Erlebnisse unter Wasser zu genießen. Vielen herzlichen Dank an dac ganze Team. Ich werde mit Sicherheit wiederkommen. See you later… Mario
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